Renewable Futures

new conference series and european platform for art, science and technoecologies

Annemie Maes

“Thank you very much for organising this conference. The talks were very inspiring and it was fine meeting all these great people.”


Theun Karelse

” Thanks for a wonderful symposium. The amount of work the Rixc team has put in is impressive and much appreciated.”


Edith Doove

“Just wanted to thank you for a great conference. It was a wonderful experience and I hope there will be possibilities to visit Riga and RIXc again in the future as I am really impressed by what you do.”


Kim Albrecht

” I found some time today to visit the data drift exhibition again. I have to say that this is the best information visualization exhibition if ever seen! Thank you so much for everything you all made happen this weekend. The conference, the exhibition as well as Riga was really nice. “


Gerald Nestler

” Thank you all for inviting me to the Renewable Futures conference, which I enjoyed a lot! great organization, great presentations, great shows and great people! “
